1 Jul 2009

Fantasy World of Eurocrats

We challenge anyone to get a clear answer from Neelie Kroes with respect to the rules that are applied when she and her lightweight team decree what Banks and Governments are expected to do in order to conform to their whimsical ideas of a competitive banking market. Anyone can see that her department employs two drivers for the occasional excursion into Euroland. This is a nice human touch as it shows that all staff are equal but the sad thing is that most of the other staff look like fresh out from university and utterly unqualified to decide the fate of Europe's banks (and economies). In what fantasy world do these Eurocrats live when they think that major banks can shrink dramatically while the economies are still on the tipping point to a prolonged recession? Try to get a curriculum vitae for all the staff listed on Kroes' website if you can. We did not have much luck doing just that.

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